Tag world quests

John Barrymore February 25, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post provides a detailed account of the author's month-long journey in gold making in both World of Warcraft: Retail and Wrath of the Lich King Classic. It covers various strategies such as farming raw materials, world quests, and utilizing the Shadowlands mission table. It also explores the potential gold-making opportunities during the Darkmoon Faire in Phase 2 of the game. Overall, it offers insights into different approaches to gold making in WoW.
John Barrymore October 01, 2023 5 minutes
Looking to earn some rewards in October 2023? Check out the easiest Trading Post tasks to complete the Traveler's log and earn the Eve's Ghastly Ridermount and your Trader's Tender. From Dreamsurges to World Quests and Brewfest, there are plenty of activities that can quickly rack up points. Don't miss out!